An exciting new event for 2022 – “BSVP Trainee Talks Evening”
This is a new event for 2022, showcasing the work of pathology trainees and with prizes to be won!
This is open to all BSVP trainee members, either in anatomical or clinical pathology training, whether you are undertaking your postgraduate vet path training in a commercial diagnostic laboratory, at a vet school, or in industry. You definitely don’t need to be in a formal “residency programme” to participate, but the event is restricted to those currently “in training” and preparing for some form of formal veterinary pathology qualification, rather than qualified pathologists.
To enter, we invite you to submit a summary of no more than 300 words in length, detailing either:
- An interesting case you have been involved with, with strong educational value
- A short case series, of an unusual condition, with strong educational value
- A summary of a research project performed as part of your training
Abstracts can be structured or unstructured, as long as you indicate which of the three categories above it is being submitted as. If you are describing a case or case series, it does not need to be novel or previously unreported, but try to convey why you chose this case – e.g. Why did you find it interesting? What learning points did you derive from it?
The top six entries, as judged by an independent panel, will be invited to deliver a short presentation of 10 minutes duration, based on their submitted summary (plus 5 minutes for questions and answers) at the “BSVP Trainee Talks Evening”.
This will be held in the evening of the 27th April 2022, hosted virtually via Zoom and all BSVP members will be invited to attend. You may present in the format of your choice, for example as a PowerPoint presentation, screen sharing digital slides….
The winner (prize £150) and a runner up (£100) will be announced at the end of the evening.
Closing date for entries: end of 28th March 2022
Top six entries will be informed by the 4th April 2022
Please submit your entries to:, with “BSVP Trainee Talks Entry” clearly stated in the Subject line.