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BSVP Scotland and North of England

Virtual Case Report Meeting – open to all!

Wednesday  16th of February 2022 at 7pm

We are looking for informal case presentations of about 5 minutes duration in a Powerpoint or similar format that can be shared on Zoom. Digital images and discussion are also acceptable – there is no need to prepare a written presentation. Well focussed photos using standard eyepieces and phone/camera should work too, so no need for special equipment.

We are looking for unusual cases, rare presentations or common cases with unusual presentations. Cytology/histology correlates and case reports with clinical/necropsy correlates would be most welcome. Please register your interest in presenting, with a very short description of the case, by the 7thth February: SDawson@nwlabs.co.uk


The meeting will take place via Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tdO6vqDMuHdF3SsqS_QtPxTwHSdzb8xwY [us02web.zoom.us]

Please register as soon as possible, or at least 15 minutes before the meeting starts.

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