About Us

The British Society of Veterinary Pathology was formed in 2006 and is a ‘not for profit’ organisation.

The objectives of the society are to advance veterinary pathology in all its aspects for the benefit of animals and man; to foster training, to advance education in all aspects of veterinary pathology and to foster communication between pathologists working in various fields.

You can access our constitution & articles here:

BSVP Constitution and Articles
  BSVP Constitution and Articles (37.5 KiB, 1,525 hits)

BSVP Social Media Policy
  BSVP-SOCIAL-MEDIA-POLICY-02-310821.pdf (86.2 KiB, 191 hits)

BSVP Equality and Diversity Inclusion Policy
  EQUALITY-DIVERSITY-INCLUSION-POLICY-310821.pdf (137.5 KiB, 367 hits)

Council Members

Stephanie Plog
Stephanie PlogDVM, PhD, DiplECVP, MRCVS
Rachel Pittaway
Rachel Pittaway BSc(Hons) BVSc MVetMed DipACVP MRCVS
Honorary Treasurer
2020 – Present
Lou Dawson
Lou DawsonBSc(Hons) BVSc FRCPath MRCVS
Honorary Secretary
2020 – Present
Danilo Gouveia Wasques
Danilo Gouveia Wasques MV MSc DipACVP
Educational Coordinator
Emilie Cloup
Emilie CloupDVM MRes DipECVP MRCVS
Educational Coordinator
Gail Chapman
Membership Secretary
2019 – Present
Laura Setyo
Laura SetyoBVSc (Hons) DipACVP FHEA MRCVS
Outreach Coordinator
2020 – Present
Alejandro Suarez-Bonnet
Alejandro Suarez-Bonnet DVM MVetMed PhD (Hons) DipACVP MRCVS
2023 – Present
Rachel Garty
Rachel GartyBVetMed (Hons), BSc Comparative Pathology (Hons), MRCVS
Trainee Representative
2022 – Present

National Meetings

The Society holds a one day Spring Meeting, usually in May, and a two day Annual Meeting in the autumn. These offer a valuable opportunity for pathologists to attend high quality CPD events tailored to the needs of veterinary pathologists, whilst frequently encompassing a strong element of clinical correlation. In addition, we pride ourselves on the friendly, collegiate, atmosphere of our meetings, which also represent an important networking opportunity.

Regional Events

Regional events offer the opportunity for brief bursts of CPD in a friendly, informal setting. A number of different meeting formats are used, including short seminars (frequently scheduled for after work or during the working day) and “mystery slide” case-based presentations. Current regional groups include East Anglia, Northern and Scottish, and South West. We are always keen to hear from members wishing to start a new regional group.

Get Involved!

As always, we invite your opinion on practical ways to further enhance the opportunities available through the BSVP. The society is run for your benefit, and without the support of members and your companies allowing you to attend events, it would not be possible to continue to run CPD meetings. If you’re interested in participating on the committee or organising regional or national meetings, get in touch!