On behalf of the BSTP, I hope that you, your family and colleagues are still managing to stay well. During these unusual times where F2F events have not been able to have been held, the BSTP have been looking at ways to ensure that they can continue to organise CPD events, whilst maintaining the safety requirements imposed by national governments. So, we are pleased to let you know that from October 2020, the BSTP will start hosting remote meetings using Zoom.
Information about these webinars are also available on http://www.bstp.org.uk/bstp-webinars/ with detailed information also available in the members only area of the BSTP website.
CLICK HERE for more information and to register, or if you have any queries, please contact the BSTP Secretariat – bstpoffice@aol.com
Download Flyer:
Notice_of_Future_Meetings_as_at_29th_October_2020.pdf (381.6 KiB, 162 hits)
Registration to take part in the webinars is free with the dial in details provided one week prior to the date of the webinar.
For confidentiality reasons if you are not a member of the BSTP or any other recognised pathology society but, you are a veterinary student or resident, or an early career pathologist you will be required to provide written confirmation of your status from your Head of Department (on headed paper) before you are sent the dial in information.
Date: Wednesday 4th November 2020
Time: 16.00 – 17.30 CET – 1.5 hours
Webinar – free of charge
Thomas Nolte – Testicular staging in rats
Matthias Rinke – Otter liver and gallbladder pathology
Kevin Keane – Stem Cell pathology
Date: Tuesday 10th November 2020 – 1 hour
Time: 16.00 – 17.00 GMT
Zoom Webinar – free of charge
BSTP/STP – Respiratory System: Case studies and talk to be confirmed
Date: Friday 13th November 2020 – 2.5 hours
Time: 14.00 – 16.30 GMT
Zoom Webinar – free of charge
BSTP – Annual General Meeting and talk on highlights of the journal Toxicologic Pathology from the past year and talk about the future ahead
Registration in advance is essential and limited to a maximum of 100 delegates, once spaces are filled your details will be added to a reserve list.
Date: Thursday 26th November
Time: 16.00 – 17.30 CET
Webinar – free of charge
Rita Deuchande – Lung Lesions in a NHP during an inhalation study – differentials of pulmonary inflammation
Jean Francois Gallas – A preclinical model of immune mediated glomerulonephritis in NHP to investigate new translational biomarkers of glomerular diseases in the Transbioline Consortium
Heike Marxfeld – Silke Treumann – Lesions in SD rats (CAR/PXR double knock out)
Date: 8th December 2020 – 1 hour
Time: 16.00 – 17.00 GMT
Zoom Webinar – free of charge
BSTP/STP – Pathology of humanised mouse models: Myeloproliferation in humanized NSG-SGM3 mice and, Humanised mouse models: Challenges and opportunities for Investigating the human immune response
Virtual Continuing Education Symposium 3: Carcinogenesis
2nd – 11th March 2021
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
13.00 – 16.30 (GMT+0/UCT+0)
Approved by the Royal Society of Biology for the purposes of CPD, this event may be counted as approximately 54 credits
Approximately 17.5 hours of educational activity will be recorded on Attendance Certificates
Registration for this symposium is now open with numbers limited to a maximum of 50 delegates – registration will close at midnight on 2nd February 2021!
Continuing Education Symposium 3 will be held over two weeks – on the afternoons of Tuesday 2nd, Wednesday 3rd, Thursday 4th, Tuesday 9th, Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th March 2021, from 13.00 – 16.30 (GMT+0/UCT+0) each day.
Access to the downloadable course materials and Zoom login information will be provided up to one week in advance of the symposium to all those who have registered and paid.
This virtual CES will provide an overview on carcinogenesis and the challenges with current research models. Topics to be covered include (but are not limited to): cancer in man and the history of carcinogenesis; investigation of the pathogenic mechanisms involved in carcinogenesis; significance and interpretation of neoplasia in laboratory rodents; use of immunohistochemistry for tumour identification; an overview of animal models of cancer; Inhalation toxicity and carcinogenesis; the regulatory view of carcinogenicity testing; and will include lectures, presentations, and case histories.
To reserve a place or if you would like further information about this symposium, please contact the BSTP Secretariat – bstpoffice@aol.com
CLICK HERE for more information.
Virtual Continuing Education Symposium 4: Respiratory System
6th – 15th July 2021
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
13.00 – 16.30 (GMT+1/UCT+1)
Approved by the Royal Society of Biology for the purposes of CPD, this event may be counted as approximately 54 credits
Approximately 17.5 hours of educational activity will be recorded on Attendance Certificates
Registration for this symposium will open in December 2020/January 2021 with numbers limited to a maximum of 50 delegates – registration will close at midnight on 8th June 2021!
Continuing Education Symposium 4 will be held on the afternoons of Tuesday 6th, Wednesday 7th, Thursday 8th, Tuesday 13th, Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th July 2021, from 13.00 – 16.30 (GMT+1/UCT+1) each day.
Access to the downloadable course materials and Zoom login information will be provided up to one week in advance of the symposium to all those who have registered and paid.
This virtual Continuing Education Symposium will provide an overview of the respiratory system including INHAND, rodent and non-rodent respiratory pathology, toxicology and risk assessment as well as reviewing challenges in agrochemical safety assessment. The format will include lectures, presentations, and case histories.
To reserve a place or if you would like further information about this symposium, please contact the BSTP Secretariat – bstpoffice@aol.com
CLICK HERE for more information.
The 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the BSTP
Pathology of Humanised Mouse Models
Thursday 11th and Friday 12th November 2021
Date and venue to be confirmed
Immunodeficient mice reconstituted with a human immune system are increasingly used for modelling the human immune compartment in numerous preclinical applications, such as adoptive cell therapy and immuno-oncology studies. With the advent of new Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, humanised mice are a key component of efficacy and safety assessment in preclinical programmes, including GLP studies. However, limited information is available concerning the morphological aspects of human cell engraftment and the spectrum of spontaneous and experimentally induced histopathological lesions occurring in these mice.
Working with the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland the meeting will cover the main features of the different humanised mouse platforms; their experimental applications in drug development, oncology and gene and cell therapies; specific safety and regulatory considerations; and future promise and remaining challenges. A short session will be also devoted to chimeric mice with humanised livers, as tools for the study of human drug metabolism and toxicity. The aim is also to have parallel sessions covering ‘mouse pathology’ and ‘humanised mice in preclinical studies: context and regulatory aspects’.
The first day of the meeting will include the Annual General Meeting of the BSTP.
Keep checking the website for details of bursaries and the submission of abstracts for case presentations.
Sponsorship and Promotional Opportunities
We feel that by participating in this conference it would allow your company to showcase a range of products to a diverse group of scientists. Please contact the BSTP at bstpoffice@aol.com more information.
Registration will open in March/April 2020, to reserve a place or if you would like further information about this meeting please contact the BSTP Secretariat – bstpoffice@aol.com
CLICK HERE for more information.
If you are interested in attending any events organised by the BSTP, please visit the BSTP website – http://www.bstp.org.uk/bstp-events/
or for details of events organised by other organisations – http://www.bstp.org.uk/non-bstp-events/
or contact the BSTP Secretariat: bstpoffice@aol.com