The Bristol Veterinary Histopath Slide Club had the third meeting of the year on Wednesday 14 June 2017. A brief overview of some of the cases presented includes: metastatic carcinoma (presumed pulmonary) to muscle in cats, small cell lymphomas on cytology and histology, algal endopthalmitis in a dog and ocular leishmaniasis, We had a case of nasal aspergillosis on cytology in a dog, primary rhabdomyosarcoma in the humerus of a dog and a very odd hyalinising carcinoma of the pancreas in a dog. There was a carcinosarcoma in the nose of a dog illustrating the diagnostic problems that may arise with small biopsies. We had a bullous vesicular skin disease in a horse, proliferative necrotizing otitis in a cat and a discussion on a possible association of villous crypt junctional fibrosis and intestinal smooth muscle hypertrophy in the cat. Cases of VKH in an Akita and Bowen’s Disease in a cat were presented. There was a case of pleomorphic T cell lymphoma in the tongue of a dog with aberrant MUM-1 staining of the cytoplasm. There was a pseudotumor of the rectal wall formed of proliferating vessels and a histocytic infiltrate in the intestine associated with leishmaniasis in a dog.
References of interest from the meeting:
Hyalinizing Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma in Six Dogs. MM Dennis et al. Vet Pathol(2008) 45:475-483
Antibiotic resistance in food lactic acid bacteria–a review. Int J Food Microbiol (2005)105(3):281-95
Florid Vascular Proliferation of the Colon Related to Intussusception and Mucosal Prolapse: Potential Diagnostic Confusion with Angiosarcoma. Modern Pathology (2001) 14 (11):1114-1118