The Bristol Veterinary Histopath Slide Club had the second meeting of the year on Wednesday 10th May 2017. A brief list of some of the cases presented includes: besnoitiosis and also a severe infection with cyathostomes in donkeys, an unusual renal round cell tumour in a cat, possibly histiocytic, an ovarian dermoid cyst in a dog, sarcoidosis in a horse, and an abdominal gossypiboma on cytology. We had a very nice chronic lymphocytic and fibrosing myocarditis with associated spirochaetes in a 22 week old dog, which generated much discussion on possible differentials and the role of the spirochaetes (cause or opportunist). There was also some nice comparative pathology of otitis externa and media in a rabbit and mouse and a Harderian adenoma in a guinea pig.
We had two cases of mesothelioma versus carcinoma in dogs, one with cytology and histology and another with focal mineralisation and ossification. The consensus view favoured carcinoma for both cases. A third case of mesothelioma in the vaginal tunic of the testes was presented for comparison.