The  ClinicalPathology MCQs are back for a third session of learning fun. The webinar is aimed at anatomic pathology residents preparing for boards, but open to any interested pathology trainees or pathologists (clinical or anatomic).

When: Wednesday 22nd July 16:30-17:30 British Summer Time

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free.

The questions are based on Duncan and Prasse Chapter 8 onwards, with some cytology sprinkled in. Again, it is learning by quizzing and extensive prior knowledge is not expected. You do not need to be a BSVP member to attend. We’ll be using Polleverywhere, which allows you to answer the MCQs via your own phone and computer. Please check out the Polleverywhere privacy policy to check you are happy with it. You do not need a polleverywhere account, as you can use the platform as a visitor. The relevant links to access the platform will be shared at the start of the zoom meeting. You can still attend and not use the live polling.

To register, please email the following to



Specialty (clinical or anatomic):

Email – Zoom:

IMPORTANT: please give us the email that you will register/already have registered with Zoom to enable us to verify who you are when joining the meeting. Clini