21st of June at APHA – Woodham Ln, Addlestone (KT15 3NB)
The full programme for the upcoming one-day summer meeting is now available! Make sure to grab your ticket today (early bird tickets available until 19th of May)!
This will be a hybrid meeting, and both in-person and virtual tickets are available! REGISTER HERE
We will have a case discussion session in the afternoon, and we invite all members to send any interesting dermpath case to bsvpsecretariat@gmail.com! Please send us a short description of your case in a Word or PDF file (preferably with images), no heavier than 5MB.
8:30 – 9:30: Opening and registration
9.30 – 9:45: Welcome talk
9:45 – 10:45: General approach to Dermatopatholoy – David Shearer (Finn Pathologists)
10:45 – 11:05: Tea Break
11:05 – 12:05: Livestock dermatology – camelids, deer and surveillance – Aiden P. Foster (University of Bristol)
12:05 – 13:30: Lunch break
13:30 – 14:30: Swine Skin Diseases – Mariano Domingo Alvarez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
14:30 – 14:40: Break
14:40 – 15:40: Dermatopathology of sheep, goats and cattle – Nick Woodger (Finn Pathologists)
15:40 – 16:00: Tea Break
16:00 – 17:30: Case discussion
Pricing (in GBP)*:
Early bird (until 19/05):
-BSVP member / APHA staff: 120
-BSVP member trainee: 60
-non-member: 180
-non-member trainee: 80
After 19/05:
-BSVP member / APHA staff: 180
-BSVP member trainee: 72
-non-member: 240
-non-member trainee: 120
*Pricing is the same for both virtual and in-person tickets
BSVP Summer Meeting 2024 (657.7 KiB, 364 hits)