BSVP 2023 Spring Meeting – Camelid Symposium
Date: 24th May
Location: Wills Conference Centre, Wills Hall, Parry’s Lane, Stoke Bishop, Bristol BS9 1AE (map)
The registration for this year’s BSVP Spring meeting is now open! This is going to be a one-day hybrid event (with limited in-person tickets). Delegates will also have on-demand access to talks for up to 6 months after the event.
Updated Information
- Registration opened to undergraduate students (“trainee” prices)
- Limited numbers of tickets for in-person event
- Last confirmed speaker (10:30-11:10 talk) is Maria Dominguez.
Early bird prices (until 14th April)
-BSVP Member: 100
-BSVP Member (trainee): 50
-Non-Member: 150
-Non-Member (trainee): 75
Full prices (after 14th April)
-BSVP Member: 150
-BSVP Member (trainee): 60
-Non-Member: 200
-Non-Member (trainee): 100
All prices are in GBP, and apply for both virtual and in-person tickets. In-person tickets will be available only up to 15th of May. Cancellation of an in-person ticket after 15th of May will incur a cancellation fee of up to 60GBP.
If you have an interesting case involving camelid pathology to present in the meeting, please submit a written abstract (max 800 words) to BSVP Secretariat ( with the subject “Camelid Case Discussion”. A selection of cases will be discussed at the end of the meeting!
Programme (all times are BST/London time)
9:15-9:30. Benedetta Amato (DMV MRCVS PhD): Welcome talk
9:30-10:00. Dominic Harrison (BVSc MRCVS): Anatomy, Physiology and Immunology in Camelids: spot the differences
10:00-10:30. Andrea Turner (Vet MB Dip ECBHM MRCVS) – TB or not TB: a field perspective
10:30-11:10. (Speaker to be confirmed): TB case management and policy
11:10-11: Shelley Rhodes – TB serological tests in South American Camelids
11:50-11:55. Break
11:55-12:25. James Barnett (BSc(Hons), BVSc MRCVS): Parasites in Camelids: presenting clinical signs and diagnostics
12:25-12:55. Andrea Turner (Vet MB Dip ECBHM MRCVS): Parasites in Camelids: treatment and management
12:55-13:30. Andrea Turner (Vet MB Dip ECBHM MRCVS): Clinical Case collection
13:30-14:30. Lunch
14:30-15:00. Resident talks
15:00-15:30. Mick Millar (BVSc MRCVS MSc): PME as valuable diagnostic tool
15:30-16:00. David Jorge (BSc(Hons) DVM MRCVS): Scanning Surveillance in South American Camelids – Miscellaneous and Exotic Farmed Species ED1500
16:00-16:10. Break
16:10-17:00. Susan Tornquist (DVM, MS, PhD, Dip. ACVP)(Remote speaker): Clinical pathology diagnosis of common New World camelid diseases
17:00-17:50. Christiane Loehr (Dr. Med. Vet., PhD, DACVP)(Remote speaker): Common diseases of alpacas and llamas (in North America) across the lifespan from foetus to geriatric patient
17:50-18:15. Discussion of cases/case sharing
18:15-18:30. Resident talks
Trainee bursaries
Camelid Symposium
BSVP Summer Conference on Wednesday 24th May at Wills Hall (Parrys Lane, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, BS9 1AE)
To support trainee professional development, the BSVP is pleased to offer two trainees the opportunity to present a review of an interesting case, or summary of their research project at our upcoming Conference on Wednesday 24th May. This will be a 10-minute in-person presentation followed by a live Q&A session.
Successful applicants will receive free registration to the meeting, £200 towards travel and accommodation costs, and free BSVP membership for the 2024 year.
To apply, applicants should submit a written abstract (max 800 words). Research or cases from all species and aetiologies are welcome. Those focused on camelid pathology or farm animals in general are particularly encouraged.
The requirements for the trainee presentations are as follows:
- The candidates can be of any nationality and work in any country
- The candidates should be preparing for a pathology board examination (as signed off by their sponsor)
- Successful candidates are expected to present their work in person at the meeting in Bristol
- The successful candidates will receive free annual membership for the 2024 year
- The case presentation must be ethically acceptable
- Previous BSVP award winners from the last 2 years can apply, however applications from non-previous winners will take precedence in the judging
- Candidates do not need to be current BSVP members
Please submit your abstract via email to BSVP Secretariat (
We are happy to discuss any aspects of the presentation with you prior to submitting your application, including potential topics, the format, and/or general encouragement to get involved!
All abstracts and sponsor supporting letters must be received by email by 4pm BST Thursday 6th April 2023. Successful applicants will be notified by 24th April 2023.