Farm Animal Respiratory Pathology

Friday 10th June 2022

British Society of Veterinary Pathologists Spring Meeting 2022

Moredun Research Institute, Pentlands Science Park, Penicuik, Edinburgh

Hybrid event: in person and online

The spring BSVP meeting this year will focus on the pathology of respiratory disease in farmed animals. This one day meeting will mainly focus on bovine respiratory pathology, but will also include lectures on ovine and porcine respiratory pathology. We are delighted to confirm that Professor Jeff Caswell, from University of Guelph, Canada, will be the keynote speaker at this meeting, who will share his extensive knowledge and experience in this area, including some very interesting and exciting, up to date, research findings. The meeting will be suitable for veterinary specialists and first opinion practitioners alike. At present, this meeting will be in person, but also live-streamed. If the in-person event needs to be cancelled, we have facilities in place to run the event virtually. Please note that travel and accommodation for the in-person event is booked at your own risk. CPD credits will be awarded for attendees of the live in-person or live virtual event.

Watch out for more information and booking details.