Posted time March 4, 2023


The University of Edinburgh is an exciting, vibrant, research led academic community offering opportunities to work with leading international academics whose visions are shaping tomorrow’s world.

Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies

Professional Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine (DVetMed) (“Residency”) in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology

Applications are invited for a Professional Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine (DVetMed) (“Residency”) in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology based within Easter Bush Pathology at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh.
The position will comprise a four-year training in veterinary anatomic pathology and will provide broad exposure to small animals, equine, farm and exotic species, with some scope for specialisation. The scholar will receive training in traditional necropsy work and histopathology, including surgical biopsy. They will be expected to fully participate in regular in-house training sessions and will be given the opportunity to gain some clinical pathology experience. By the end of the training period the scholar will be expected to sit an internationally recognised qualification in veterinary anatomic pathology, though training will focus around the requirements of the European College of Veterinary Pathologists board examinations (DiplECVP).

This position is conducted within the framework of a Professional Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine degree, which will provide the candidate with a postgraduate qualification (DVetMed) in addition to that of the speciality. This programme consolidates and enhances evidence based knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes to enable independent practice to the standard of a recognised specialist. Additionally, it will provide the candidate with training in and experience of research. This involves production of an examined research dissertation, with opportunities to present and publish your findings. Finally, the DVetMed programme will provide training and experience of teaching, as well as access to optional courses in speciality-relevant areas.

The successful applicant will join a team of five anatomic pathologists and three clinical pathologists. They will be a veterinary graduate, preferably with at least two years’ experience in veterinary practice or referral service, with a degree recognised by the RCVS. Applicants should also hold appropriate English language qualifications where applicable.

The scholarship tax-free stipend is £27,026.37 per annum. The position will commence 4th September 2023 and will run for a four-year fixed-term, renewable annually subject to an annual review of progress and completion of required DVetMed components. Postgraduate fees will be paid by the University of Edinburgh at UK level.

For further information on an informal basis please contact Dr Alexandra Malbon (
Applications should be made via the following online form: Please remember to indicate for which speciality you are making the application. For any application related queries, please contact Closing date for applications: Friday 31st March 2023 Please note that the online form will close automatically after the above date and no applications can be made beyond this date.

Committed to Equality and Diversity

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336

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