Clinical pathology MCQ – 3rd session
The ClinicalPathology MCQs are back for a third session of [...]
The ClinicalPathology MCQs are back for a third session of [...]
BSVP Membership subscriptions now open for 2020.
Travel Bursary As part of our commitment to support [...]
Review of the British Society of Veterinary Pathologists Annual Meeting [...]
Our second Bristol Histopath Slide Club meeting was held on [...]
The 3rd Bristol Histopath Slide Club meeting of the year [...]
25-28 Sept 2019
Equine skin: granulomatous mural folliculitis with giant cells. [...]
Please download the following PDF for upcoming BSTP Meetings (includes [...]
BSVP was delighted to sponsor the recent “Pathology Festival” at [...]